3.2.3Supervisory Board and Committees
The Supervisory Board supervises the policies, the management of the Company and its businesses, the effectiveness and the integrity of the internal control and risk management systems and procedures implemented by the Management Board, as well as the general conduct of affairs of the Company and its businesses. The Supervisory Board also supervises the activities of the Management Board in relation to the creation of a culture aimed at long-term value creation for the Company and its businesses. Furthermore the Supervisory Board assists the Management Board with advice in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code, the articles of association and the Supervisory Board rules. In the performance of its duties, the Supervisory Board is guided by the interests of the Company’s stakeholders. In addition, certain (material) decisions of the Management Board, as stipulated in the Dutch Civil Code, articles of association or the Supervisory Board and Management Board rules, require the Supervisory Board’s prior approval.
The Supervisory Board currently consists of seven members. Members of the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting following nomination by the Supervisory Board. A Supervisory Board member is appointed for a period of four years and may then be re-appointed once for another four-year period. A Supervisory Board member may subsequently be re-appointed again for a third period of two years, which may be extended by at most two years. Further information about the appointment and dismissal of Supervisory Board members can be found in SBM Offshore’s articles of association.
The Supervisory Board appoints one of its members as Chairman and one as Vice-Chairman.
The Supervisory Board has three subcommittees: the Audit and Finance Committee, the Appointment and Remuneration Committee and the Technical and Commercial Committee. The Appointment and Remuneration Committee is a joint committee with two separate chairpersons and two separate tasks: the selection and appointment preparation of Management Board and Supervisory Board members and the preparation of decision-making regarding remuneration matters. The task of each subcommittee is to assist and advise the Supervisory Board in fulfilling its responsibilities. SBM Offshore has an internal audit department with direct reporting to the Supervisory Board through the Audit and Finance Committee. More information about the ways of working of the Supervisory Board and its committees can be found in the Supervisory Board and Committee rules, as available on the Company’s website. The Supervisory Board has drawn up a retirement schedule for its members, which is available on the Company’s website.
Section 3.1 lists the material mandates of the Supervisory Board outside SBM Offshore. Supervisory Board members shall inform the Supervisory Board before accepting positions outside the Company. Positions may not be accepted without the Supervisory Boards’ prior approval. The positions can not be in conflict with the Company’s interests. Mandates are reviewed annually in the Supervisory Board meeting. The Company is compliant with best practice 2.4.2 of the Corporate Governance Code.