3.6Risk & Compliance
The Management Board is responsible for:
- determining the Company’s risk profile and policy, which are designed to achieve the Company’s objectives, to assess and manage the Company’s risks and to ensure that sound internal risk management and control systems are in place, and
- ensuring that the entire SBM Offshore organization operates within its clearly defined Compliance Program.
The Management Board monitors the operation of the Compliance Program and the internal risk management and control systems and performs an annual systematic assessment of their design and effectiveness. The results are discussed with the Supervisory Board. This monitoring covers all material control measures relating to strategic, operational, financial, compliance and reporting risks. Among other considerations, attention is given to observed weaknesses, instances of misconduct and irregularities and indications from whistle blowers.
Management approach
The Chief Governance and Compliance Officer (CGCO) has the overall responsibility for compliance, risk and legal matters. The Group Risk & Compliance Function (GRCF) has a leadership role in proactively advising the Management Board and Management on acting in a compliant manner, both from a strategic and an operational perspective.
The integrated Group Risk & Compliance Function comprises a globally diverse team of fourteen experienced risk and compliance professionals located within the Company’s most prominent locations worldwide. Business leadership has accountability and responsibility to manage compliance and integrity risks within their fields of management control.