3.6.2Compliance Program
SBM Offshore aims to enable its employees and business partners to make the right decisions, with commitment to integrity at all levels. In recognition of this commitment, the Company has implemented a comprehensive Compliance Program applicable to the SBM Offshore group. Our leaders are responsible for ensuring that the company fulfils its commitment to integrity at all levels. They set the tone from the top and are there to respond to any questions, observations and suggestions in a responsible manner, in line with our Core Values and Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct builds on the Company’s Core Values and is based on four pillars:
- Respecting the law – our fundamental rule.
- People, culture and behavior – how we work together and how we help each other to succeed.
- Our business activities – how we interact in the marketplace and help our clients to succeed.
- Wider community and corporate citizenship – how we fulfil our wider social responsibilities.
Key elements of the Compliance Program
SBM Offshore’s Compliance Program aims to promote an ethical culture throughout SBM Offshore and guides the Company’s Management and employees in making values-led decisions, as well as strengthening the management control system to prevent, detect and respond to compliance risks and potential violations of our Code, the law and other wrongdoing. The program includes proper and independent oversight, risk management, policies and procedures, integrity reporting and investigations, risk-based training and communication to employees, auditing and monitoring.
Speak Up
An important part of the program’s role includes the focus on the prevention of misconduct through the Integrity Panel, which oversees and investigates reports of (potential) misconduct. The Company’s reporting channels and Speak Up Line enable leadership to carefully listen to employees and partners in our value chain about their compliance concerns. On October 1, 2021 the revamped ‘Speak Up Line’ and Speak Up Policy were launched, in compliance with the EU Whistleblowing Directive, with the aim of simplifying the process of reporting concerns.
The Management Board has assessed the Compliance Program against a basic maturity model and concludes that, at the end of 2021, the Company is transitioning from a rules-based approach towards a value-driven business approach. Certain elements of the Compliance Program, notably the focus on responsible leadership behavior, fall within the ’value-led business’ maturity level.