3.2.4Share capital
The authorized share capital of the Company amounts to EUR200 million and is divided into 400,000,000 ordinary shares with a nominal value of EUR0.25 and 400,000,000 protective preference shares, also with a nominal value of EUR0.25. The preference shares can be issued as a protective measure, as explained below in the section on the Stichting Continuïteit SBM Offshore.
As per December 31, 2021, 180,671,305 (2020: 188,671,305) ordinary shares are issued. No preference shares have been issued.
Bearer shares
As per the Dutch Act on Conversion of bearer shares (Wet omzetting aandelen aan toonder), all bearer shares still outstanding at December 31, 2020 have been converted into registered shares (31,840) held in the name of the Company as per January 1, 2021. A shareholder who hands in a bearer share certificate to the Company before January 2, 2026 is entitled to receive from the Company a replacement registered share. A shareholder may not exercise the rights vested in a share until the shareholder has handed in the corresponding bearer share certificate(s) to the Company.