See sub navigation
- 4.1 Financial Review
- 4.2 Consolidated Financial Statements
4.3 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
- 4.3.1 Financial Highlights
- 4.3.2 Operating Segments and Directional Reporting
- 4.3.3 Revenue
- 4.3.4 Other Operating Income and Expense
- 4.3.5 Expenses by Nature
- 4.3.6 Employee Benefit Expenses
- 4.3.7 Research and Development Expenses
- 4.3.8 Net Impairment Gains/(Losses) on Financial and Contract Assets
- 4.3.9 Net Financing Costs
- 4.3.10 Income Tax Expense
- 4.3.11 Earnings/(Loss) Per Share
- 4.3.12 Dividends Paid and Proposed
- 4.3.13 Property, Plant and Equipment
- 4.3.14 Intangible Assets
- 4.3.15 Finance Lease Receivables
- 4.3.16 Other Financial Assets
- 4.3.17 Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities
- 4.3.18 Inventories
- 4.3.19 Trade and Other Receivables
- 4.3.20 Construction Work-In-Progress
- 4.3.21 Derivative Financial Instruments
- 4.3.22 Net Cash and Cash Equivalents
- 4.3.23 Equity Attributable to Shareholders
- 4.3.24 Borrowings and Lease Liabilities
- 4.3.25 Provisions
- 4.3.26 Trade and Other Payables
- 4.3.27 Commitments and Contingencies
- 4.3.28 Financial Instruments − Fair Values and Risk Management
- 4.3.29 List of Group Companies
- 4.3.30 Investment in Associates and Joint Ventures
- 4.3.31 Information on Non-controlling Interests
- 4.3.32 Related Party Transactions
- 4.3.33 Independent Auditor’s Fees and Services
- 4.3.34 Events After End of Reporting Period
- 4.4 Company Financial Statements
- 4.5 Notes to the Company Financial Statements
- 4.6 Other information
- 4.7 Key Figures
Contingent Liability
Following the close out of the legacy issue in Switzerland, there are no remaining identified contingent liabilities. Refer to section 4.3.1 Financial highlights for further information on the close out of the legacy issue in Switzerland.