5.2.4Human Resources Reporting

SBM Offshore’s Human Resources (HR) data covers the global workforce and is broken down by region (continents) and employment type. The performance indicators report on the workforce status at year-end December 31, 2021. They include all staff assigned on unlimited or fixed-term contracts, employee new hires and departures, total number of locally-employed staff from agencies, and all crew working on board the offshore operations units and shore bases.

Headcount, Turnover, equal remuneration & Nationalization

Human Resources considers:

  • ‘Direct Hire’ employees as a staff member holding a labor contract for either an unlimited or a defined period (or an offer letter for an unlimited period in the USA). Direct hires are recorded on the payroll, directly paid by one entity of the SBM Offshore Group (including Joint Ventures).
  • ‘Contractors’ as an individual performing work for or on behalf of SBM Offshore, but not recognized as an employee under national law or practice (not part of SBM Offshore companies payroll, they issue invoices for services rendered).
  • ‘Subcontractors’ are not considered as staff in the HR headcount breakdown structure. This population is managed as temporary service and are not covered by HR processes policies. Yet, we have rigorous processes and procedures in place for this population.

SBM Offshore includes the BRASA Yard in Brazil and the PAENAL Yard in Angola in its reporting scope based on partial ownership and operational control including human resource activities and social responsibility for the employees.

In principle, reporting on headcount includes the Contractors while turnover only includes Direct Hires (no Contractors). Turnover has been calculated as the number of employees who have left SBM Offshore in 2021 (between January 1 and December 30, 2021) compared with the aggregate of the headcount on December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2021; divided by 2, with the result multiplied by 100.

Concerning Equal Remuneration, we only consider Direct Hires (excluding Joint Ventures and Internships) and the breakdown concerns Monaco, Netherlands, Brazil, Malaysia & Switzerland. The Gender Pay Gap has been calculated as such: average comparatio female / average comparatio male.

For fleet operations, engagement and development of the local workforce is the main indicator for successful local content development. In this perspective, SBM Offshore monitors the percentage of local workforce (excluding Contractors) − % of nationalization per regions (included below for Brazil, Angola and Guyana as they represent most of SBM Offshore’s population offshore) − and invests in training to increase or maintain the targeted level. For example, specific programs in below countries focus on education and training of nationals to facilitate them entering the workforce with the required level of qualifications and knowledge.

  • 89% of Brazilian direct hire workforce consists of Brazilian nationals.
  • 83% of Angolan direct hire workforce consists of Angolan nationals.
  • 46% of Guyanese direct hire workforce consists of Guyana nationals.

Performance Management

In order to ensure personal development and optimal management of performance within SBM Offshore, SBM Offshore conducts annual performance reviews for all employees. Globally, SBM Offshore uses a common system to rate and evaluate all employees. For the reporting on Performance Appraisals, we included all Permanent Staff, Temporary (only from Brazil and the Netherlands) and JV Staff (apart from FPSO Kikeh) of all employees that entered the Company before October 1, 2020 and that were still in the Company on December 31, 2020. All employees that left during social plans (even after December 31, 2020) are not included.

Collective Bargaining

Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers’ compensation and rights for workers. Within SBM Offshore, it is considered as collective bargaining: all the Direct Hires employees of which the interests are commonly represented by external or internal representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong. In case trade unions are not present in a country, we consider the employee handbook as valid labor agreement between the employee and the employer.